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Wijckel church 


Family of Richard^6 Van Wickle 

Richard^6 Van Wickle (Frederick^5, Frederick^4, Evert^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. abt. 1798, NY and d. 12 Oct 1874 (Presently, the only available evidence that Richard is a son of Frederick and Rebecca is Rebecca's legal renunciation document of 1819 [see source section below] in which administration of Frederick's estate is transferred from her to Richard Van Wickle. Although there is a high probability that Richard is their son, more documentation is needed to validate this claim.)

Married: Phebe Conklin (b. abt 1805 and d. 28 Feb 1890) 2 April 1823, Harrington, Tappan DRC, Bergen, NJ

1. Jesse^7 F. Van Wickel, b. Sep 1823, NY

2. George^7 J. Van Wickel, b. abt 1828, NY

3. John^7 Lewis Van Wickel, b. abt 1839, NY and d. 25 Nov 1884)

Richard's parents are Frederick and Rebecca [Waring] Van Wicklen
Phebe's parents are Jacob and Mary [Quidor] Conklin; Her paternal grandparents are Jacob and Elizabeth [Gesner] Conklin

Background information: Richard^6 Van Wickle (Frederick^5, Frederick^4, Evert^3, Gerrit^2, Jentie^1 Jeppes), b. abt. 1798, NY and d. 12 Oct 1874. He married Phebe Conklin (b. abt 1805 and d. 25 Feb 1890) 2 April 1823, Harrington, Tappan DRC, Bergen, NJ. She is d/o of Jacob and Mary [Quidor] Conklin

Children: Jesse^7 F. Van Wickel, b. Sep 1823, NY. He married Amelia _____ (b. Mar 1824, Eng) before 1848; George^7 J. Van Wickel, b. abt 1828, NY. He married Jane ____ (b. abt 1831, NY) bef. 1851; John^7 Lewis Van Wickel, b. abt 1839, NY. He married Ellen C. _____ (b. abt 1839 and d. 2 June 1925) bef 1864

Harry Macy, Jr. The Van Wicklen/Van Wickle Family: Including its Frisian Origin and Connections to Minnerly and Kranchheyt; The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. 128, No. 4 (October 1997); p. 246-8.

1790 US Census for New Rochelle, Westchester, NY, lists household of Frederick Van Winkle as 1 male over 16 (Frederick), 2 males under 16, and seven females [one of which is obviously his wife, Rebecca].

1800 US Census for Greenburg, Westchester, NY lists household of Frederick Van Winkeler as 3 males under 10, 1 male over 45 [Frederick], 2 females under 10, 1 female 10 to 16, one female 16-26, 1 female 26-45, and  1 female over 45. 

No record can be found for Frederick in the 1810 US Census. (Record located 26 Aug 2005 - 1810 US Census for Greensburgh, Westchester, NY lists Frederick Vanvikel in a household with one male < 10, 1 male 10 to 16, 1 male >45 (Frederick), 1 female 10 to 16 and 1 female >45 (Rebecca). This leaves room for the possibility that the male child age 10 to 16 could be Richard Van Wickel (b. 1798, NY)

http://www.rockleigh.org/History/Sites/VanWickel_Moore_House.htm) Van Wickel-Moore House c. 1810-1823. These lands, part of the 1685 Historic Lockhart Patent were bitterly claimed by NJ and NY until the 1769 Boundary Settlement. Here Richard Van Wickel and wife Phebe, dau. of Jacob Conklin, III. built (or renovated) this federal style farmhouse c. 1828 on 5 and 3/4 acres she inherited. Her cousin, Phebe Ann Moore, wife of John V.K. Moore bought the property in 1832. In 1848 she added 25 acres. Borough Hill now stands on part of the tract. House held by Moores to 1938. The c. 1810-1823 section of the dwelling is a steep 1 and 1/2 story clapboard frame structure on the east side of Rockleigh Rd. (No. 36) The interior floor plan shows evidence of a narrow side hall construction. There is a living room on the main floor with a loft above that has been finished into two small bedrooms and bath. The interior walls are plastered. The living room mantle, Parsons cupboard and some interior framing are of the Federal style. Some of the original floorboards have been covered with modern day flooring. A window marks the location of the original front entrance. The north side of the house has two small windows just below the roofline which is characteristic of a possibly earlier date. A small wing has been added to the south side of the house to include a present day small kitchen, additional bedroom and bath. The exterior walls of this later wing are clapboard. to the rear of the dwelling is a fine extent example of a "necessary building" currently used as a shed. In the 1960s Burl Ives, balladeer and folk music historian lived in a small outbuilding near the barn site before the property was subdivided in the early 1970s. 

Westchester County Surrogate Court Record issued 18 May 1819 on the estate of Frederich Van Winkle of Greenburgh, NY (Electronic copy of this record courtesy of Ruth Harvey via 8 Jan 05 email) Renunciation of Rebecca Vanwickle -- filed 21 April 1819 -- Frederick Vanwickle; Harvey White, Esq., Surrogate of the County of Westchester, Berkshire Post office  "Know all men by these presents(?) that I, Rebecca Vanwickle widow of Frederick Vanwickle ___? do hereby renounce Letters of administration on the Estate of the said Frederick Vanwickel and request that Letters of administration on the estate of the said deceased may be granted to Richard Vanwickle and Elijah Sloat as witness of my hand and seal, dated this 19 day of March 1819. "X"  Rebecca Vanwickle her mark; Notary present - Daniel Odell (?)

1830 US Census for Harrington, Bergen, NJ lists Richard Van Winkle surrounded by Concklin families. Household includes one male under 5, one 5-10, 1 30-40 [Richard] and one female 20-30 [Phebe].

1840 US Census for Harrington, Bergen, NJ lists Richard Van Winkle as head of a household among the households of John Powles Conkling [neighboring south], Albert Cooper [across the road], and David Conkling. The household includes one male under 5, one male 10-15, one 15-20, one 40-50 [Richard] and one female 30-40 [Phebe (Conklin) Van Wickel].

1850 US Census for Rockland, Orange, NY lists Richard Van Wickle, 52 (b. abt 1798) with wife, Phebe, 44 and son, John L., 11. 

1860 US Census for Palisades, Rockland, Orange, NY lists Richard Van Wickle, 62, Carpet man, as head of household with Phebe Ann, 54, wife. 

(Ruth Harvey, via 23 Aug 2005 email, provided me with a transcript of the Van Wickel burials in Cypress Hills Cemetery. The list contains 26 names of Van Wickels and relatives beginning with Richard Van Wickel (b. 1798) and his wife, Phoebe (b. 1805) and some of their children, grandchildren and other relatives. The list includes name, address at time of death, funeral home, grave #, age at death, cause of death, and date and place of death. Richard and Phoebe's son, John L. and his wife, Ellen C. are buried here. Children of John L. and Ellen C. Van Wickel that are buried here include: Emma S., John L., Henry, Violeta, Florence (and her son, George Kieb), Louis (and his wife Loretta). Children of Louis and Loretta Van Wickel that are buried here include Irene and Lillian. There is also a Walter, Elizabeth, and John L. buried here who are presumably grandchildren of John L. and Ellen C. Van Wickel--perhaps children of their son, John L. If and when Richard and Phoebe Van Wickel can be tied into a line of descent, there is an abundance of documented information available for their family pages.)

Richard Van Wickel (b. abt 1798, d. 12 Oct 1874) and wife, Phoebe, b. abt 1805, d. 28 Feb 1890

John L. Van Wickel (son of Richard and Phoebe) (b. abt 1839, d. 25 Nov 1884) and wife, Ellen C. (b. abt 1839 and d. 2 June 1925)

Children of John L. and Ellen C. Van Wicklel: Emma S. Van Wickel (b. 1871, d. 26 Mar 1872); John L. (b. 1864, d. 12 Oct 1943), Charles (b. 1869, d. after 1928 and not buried Cypress Hills), Henry (b. abt 1873, d. 15 Jan 1912), Violeta Van Duzer (b. abt 1875, d. 27 Jun 1952), Florence Kieb (b. abt 1884, d. 27 May 1932), Eugene (not bur. Cypress Hills unless he goes by another name), Louis J. (b. abt 1882, d. 6 Apr 1956)

Florence Kieb's son, George Kieb (b. 1903, d. 30 July 1959)

Louis J. Van Wickel's wife, Loretta I. Van Wickel (b. 1882, d. 9 Mar 1956) and dau., Irene Van Wickel (b. 1909, d. 11 Oct 1985) and Lillian Van Wickel (b. 1907, d. 3 May 1961)

Others buried here include: John L. Van Wickel (d. 8 Oct 1894), Charles Van Wickel (d. 13 Mar 1896), Walter Van Wickel (b. 1896, d. 2 Jan 1898), William Nelson (b. 1858, d. 30 Nov 1902), Julius Korenyi (b. 1905, d. 13 Dec 1983), his wife, Viola Korenyi (b. 1901, d. 11 Oct 1977) and their children, George Korenyi (b. 1929, d. 18 June 1956), Dolores Korenyi (d. 8 Jan 1940). Also, Elizabeth Van Wickel (b. 1888, d. 26 Aug 1948), John L. Van Wickel (b. 1897, d. 2 Aug 1954), and James Van Wickel (d. 15 Jan 1973)